Showing 19–36 of 66 results

Cucumber QSC-114 F1

Cucumber QSC-114 F1: A Dutch long greenhouse cucumber with 30-35 cm fruits, strong plant vigor, and resistance to PM, DM, and CMV.

Eggplant QSEg-801 F1

Eggplant QSEg-801 F1: A premium eggplant variety with 250-300 gm shiny black obovate fruits, pure white seedless flesh, and resistance to TMV and V.

Eggplant QSEg-802 F1

Eggplant QSEg-802 F1: A premium eggplant variety with 250-300 gm shiny black round fruits, pure white seedless flesh, and resistance to TMV and V.

Eggplant QSEg-803 F1

Eggplant QSEg-803 F1: A premium long eggplant with 250-400 gm shiny black cylindrical fruits, pure white seedless flesh, and resistance to TMV and V.

Eggplant QSEg-804 F1

Eggplant QSEg-804 F1: A greenhouse and open field eggplant with 80 gm shiny black round fruits, pure white seedless flesh, and resistance to TMV and V.

Eggplant QSEg-805 F1

Eggplant QSEg-805 F1: An eggplant for spring and summer with light crimson striped oval fruits, pure white seedless flesh, and resistance to TMV and V.

Hot Pepper QSHP-501 F1

Hot Pepper QSHP-501 F1: A vigorous Cayenne pepper with 18x2.5 cm conical fruits, high pungency, and resistance to PM.

Hot Pepper QSHP-502 F1

Hot Pepper QSHP-502 F1: A robust Cayenne pepper for open fields with 14-15 cm conical fruits, high pungency, and PM resistance.

Hot Pepper QSHP-503 F1

Hot Pepper QSHP-503 F1: A Charleston pepper for greenhouse and open fields, producing fruits with high pungency and resistance to ToMV and TMV.

Hot Pepper QSHP-504 F1

Hot Pepper QSHP-504 F1: A robust Charleston pepper for greenhouse and open fields with high pungency, and resistance to ToMV and TMV.

Hot Pepper QSHP-505 F1

Hot Pepper QSHP-505 F1: A versatile hot pepper for greenhouse and open fields with high pungency, and resistance to ToMV and TMV.

Hot Pepper QSHP-506 F1

Hot Pepper QSHP-506 F1: A Hungarian hot pepper with 12 cm creamy conical fruits, high pungency, and resistance to ToMV and TMV.

Melon QSM-301 F1

Melon QSM-301 F1: A high-quality Ananas melon with 2-4 kg round-oval fruits, orange flesh, and resistance to PM and Fusarium Wilt (F2).

Melon QSM-302 F1

Melon QSM-302 F1: A premium Ananas melon with 2-4 kg round-oval fruits, creamy-colored flesh, and resistance to PM and Fusarium Wilt (F2).

Melon QSM-303 F1

Melon QSM-303 F1: A premium Charentais melon for open fields and indoors, round fruits, orange flesh, and resistance to PM and Fusarium Wilt (F2).

Melon QSM-304 F1

Melon QSM-304 F1: A high-quality cantaloupe for open fields with 1-1.5 kg round fruits, off-white flesh, and resistance to PM and Fusarium Wilt (F2).  

Melon QSM-305 F1

Melon QSM-305 F1: A high-quality Yellow Canary melon with 2-3 kg oval fruits, greenish white flesh, and resistance to PM and Fusarium Wilt (F2).

Okra QSOK-901 F1

Okra QSOK-901 F1: A high-performing hybrid Lady Finger variety producing dark green, tender fruits (8-9 cm). Highly tolerant to YVMV.